At the Chiang Mai Gate market very early in the morning rickshaw driver gather. Their business is to take little old Thai ladies home from the market with their produce. Their only customers are the old ladies who are clinging to a bygone way of life.. to a time when Chiang Mai was quiet and uncluttered by cars and trucks. I admire the drivers and the old ladies who are resolute in the face of progress…peddle on.
We are all resolute in the face of progress…. and peddle on. I can’t imagine they make much money just doing that. They must do something else too. I see that they are wearing jackets and gloves, is it cold there?
Thanks, Larry!!!! I used to spend a couple minutes each day looking at these weathered men, with interesting faces….and wondered what lives they’ve led. Can you imagine doing this all day?
It looks like the same rules apply in Chiang Mai as India. A rickshaw driver cannot be more than five foot three and weigh no more than 125 pounds!!! Strong little buggers!!